Venus & Jupiter, The Sequel(s) ~ 21 Jul 2015

After a brilliant display, a second conjunction to behold in the shimmering brilliance of Leo, though less bright than the first appears and after a quick sample of the essence of Virgo, Venus, retrograde, rejoins Jupiter in longitude on August 4th at 28.5ish of Leo.

Then, another Venus to Jupiter conjunction polishes off the sequel parade on October 25th at 15.5ish of Virgo. Wait, there’s more! Mars is conjunct Venus and Jupiter, leading the way by a few degrees. And more yet - Venus will be at greatest elongation - her greatest distance from the Sun. A whopping Venus, Mars, Jupiter conjunction!

With the third Venus-Jupiter conjunction being in a different sign, and Virgo to boot, will that feature planetary performance be less brilliant than its predecessors in Leo!? Now a morning conjunction, it will be a marker of how well one managed the Jupiter-Saturn square of August 3rd.

Also, prior to Venus’ Virgo alignment with Jupiter (and Mars), she spends several weeks retrograde - from July 25th through September 6th, where she sashays backward through the sky, being invisible for a large portion of that time as she reaches direct alignment with the Sun (and Earth) on August 16th. The Sun-Earth-Venus alignment appears at the approximate degree of her first conjunction with Jupiter back in early July. Talk about layered. It’s as if Venus seeks to reverse engineer the peeling of an onion!

So let’s assemble the plot points, such that the protagonist (you!) can get a clear grip on “the emotional motive and action agenda” as the story unfolds.

As July began, Jupiter and Venus aligned, offering spectacular post-sunset views with Regulus. As well, while looking west during that conjunction, aspiring for the royal treatment in life (Regulus), everything one could want (Venus) and more (Jupiter), the full moon (in Capricorn) while the Sun made Cancer home - full primal emotional support (different from the support of a one-to-one relationship partner) had ones back from the east. Need (Moon) and want (Venus) and more than enough of it (Jupiter) beamed out to the ethers presumably in more than adequate measure.

In a fortnight, Venus retrogrades back to Jupiter, with the reminder that constantly revising one’s affirmation portfolio is a great idea. And in between these conjunctions, Makemake enters Libra (review the 13 July Skyscraping post). It’s a great time to pitch and repitch the storybook ending to the powers in the Universe that render energetic support to such proclamations and propitiations.

On August 16th, Venus aligns with the Sun and Earth, marking one of the multiple midpoints of her retrograde cycle. Venus maintains the distinction as the most rare retrograde of all the planets in the solar system - slightly more than 7% of the time is she retrograde. Ironically, when aligned the Sun, she cannot be seen. But in that alignment she is granted direct conference with the gravitational nucleus and life/energy bearing power of our solar system. She can state, with absolute clarity, what she needs to make it work on Earth and how she will radiate the rewards of such sanction thereafter. This meeting, of course, is virtually behind closed doors. Out of sight, though it would be best never to let it out of ones mind.

As the final Venus - Jupiter sequel premieres on October 25th, Venus ambles to her greatest distance from the Sun as measured on Earth. Truly, she has reached out, stretched, and aspired for the most wildly magnificent things imaginable. Mars is part of this conjunction, too. He adds energy, nudges, pushes, shoves and “just go for it” to the mix. It is high time to go high-octane, hit the after burners, reach for warp drive, and with both hands on the wheel (no texting about it while in progress).

Of course, all this returns to the last of the Jupiter to Saturn squares in the current fixed sign sequence. Was the philosophical and psychic substrate (Jupiter) sufficient to withstand the test of time, real world conditions and hard core bottom lines (Saturn)? If not, what adjustments were made? Were they ample for the aspirations ahead? Time will tell.

The bottom-line theme of the Venus - Jupiter trilogy: Protagonist asserts cogent needs and fervently pursues life, coming to realize that ongoing adjustments in life applied by co-protagonists and antagonists, cause her/him to reach a more fantastic outcome than initially imagined. If the planets have their way: it’s Hollywood! If Venus reverse engineers the onion, the tears shed in the process originate from the joy centers in the core of the being.

More soon!

Need a boost? Quick questions or full-blown consultations offer amazing insights. So do the Galactic Reports that include six named centaurs and an array of soul seeking black hole singularities. You need one of those! And if Venus percolates, some very potent relationship reports are a click away. Visit the links below as psychic popcorn as you enjoy the planet sequels.